Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

Merritt College COVID-19 Exposure Notification--May 27, 2022

Good afternoon, Merritt Community.

I am writing to inform you that this morning we learned that one of our employees has tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result (May 27, 2022) and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

Good afternoon, Merritt Community.

I am writing to inform you that this morning we learned that one of our employees has tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result (May 27, 2022) and may return once they are no longer symptomatic. The person reported that Wednesday, May 25, 2022, was the last time they were on-site, and those who we know were in contact with this individual will be notified.

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed.

For the most up-to-date information and resources for students, faculty/staff, and the community, I encourage you to visit

Thank you and take care.


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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

Merritt College: COVID-19 Exposure Notification—May 26, 2022

Good evening, Merritt Community.

I am writing to inform you that last night we learned that two students tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, these individuals will remain off campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result (May 25, 2022) and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

Good evening, Merritt Community.

I am writing to inform you that last night we learned that two students tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, these individuals will remain off campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result (May 25, 2022) and may return once they are no longer symptomatic. The students reported that Monday, May 23, 2022, was the last time they were on-site, and those who we know were in contact with this individual will be notified.

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed.

For the most up-to-date information and resources for students, faculty/staff, and the community, I encourage you to visit

Thank you and take care.


David M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Merritt College

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

College of Alameda COVID-19 Notification

Dear COA Community,

We recently learned that an individual from our Campus community tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The individual was last on campus, May 25, 2022. The individual was present during the EOPS Graduate Celebration and Classified Appreciation events on campus. The individual complied with PCCD policy regarding masking.

Dear COA Community,

We recently learned that an individual from our Campus community tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The individual was last on campus, May 25, 2022. The individual was present during the EOPS Graduate Celebration and Classified Appreciation events on campus. The individual complied with PCCD policy regarding masking. While we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus because of privacy laws, we are following up as required. The District has been informed of this exposure and will follow the appropriate procedures.

For those individuals concerned about the possibility of being exposed, they should get tested and follow-up with your health care provider. Again, the health and well-being of our community is our highest priority, and your active practicing of masking, vaccination, and other COVID-19 prevention measures work to mitigate its spread. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider and do not come to campus. As a response to protecting everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as notification in accordance with state laws.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state, and local Health Department Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They

are as follows:

  • Abide by the guidelines established by the County of Alameda Health Department

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with health concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call). Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community.

If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19-related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, supervising Vice President, or me as soon as possible. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates as appropriate.

Thank you for continuing to do your part to keep our community healthy and safe.

Warmest regards,


Nathaniel Jones III, Ph.D., MBA
College of Alameda

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

Notification to District Administrative Center's Employees Regarding an Employee's Exposure to COVID-19

Dear District Employees:

I have been notified recently that one of the employees from the Department of General Services at the District Administrative Center has been exposed to an individual who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. The employee was in the same room with the affected individual last week for more than eight hours. Because of privacy laws, we cannot identify this particular employee.

Dear District Employees:

I have been notified recently that one of the employees from the Department of General Services at the District Administrative Center has been exposed to an individual who tested positive for the COVID-19 virus. The employee was in the same room with the affected individual last week for more than eight hours. Because of privacy laws, we cannot identify this particular employee.

The health and safety of our students and employees are important to us, so if you develop flu-like or other symptoms, please contact your medical provider immediately, and do not come to the District or any campus to work.

Please visit for up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty, and staff.

Stay safe and healthy!

Dr. Ronald McKinley, SPHR
Interim Vice Chancellor of Human Resources & Employee Relations
Peralta Community College District

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

Merritt College COVID-19 Exposure Notifications – May 24, 2022

Good evening, Merritt Community.

I am writing to inform you that yesterday we learned that an outside vendor tested positive for COVID-19. That individual was on-campus last Tuesday, May 17, and will remain away for the foreseeable future. Those who we know were in contact with this person are being notified.

Good evening, Merritt Community.

I am writing to inform you that yesterday we learned that an outside vendor tested positive for COVID-19. That individual was on-campus last Tuesday, May 17, and will remain away for the foreseeable future. Those who we know were in contact with this person are being notified.

In addition, we learned today that two of our employees have also tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, they will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result (May 24, 2022) and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed.

For the most up-to-date information and resources for students, faculty/staff, and the community, I encourage you to visit



David M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Merritt College

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

COVID-19 Exposure at Laney

Dear Laney Community:

On Monday, May 23, the College learned of an individual who was on the Laney campus that has tested positive for COVID-19. This person was last on campus in the Fieldhouse at the May 20 Employee Appreciation event and tested positive three days later, on the same day that they informed the College (5/23). Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

Dear Laney Community:

On Monday, May 23, the College learned of an individual who was on the Laney campus that has tested positive for COVID-19. This person was last on campus in the Fieldhouse at the May 20 Employee Appreciation event and tested positive three days later, on the same day that they informed the College (5/23). Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

Immediately following the event on Friday and prior to the 5/23 notification, it should be noted that the Fieldhouse second floor gathering room had been cleaned and sanitized.

The College and the District continue to observe the PCCD masking policy. However, employees who experience any of the symptoms below should be tested before returning to campus and remain at home until receiving their results.

  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhea

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:

  • Please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when coming to campus.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).

If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19-related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, your Vice President, or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates should there be further developments.

Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community, including testing availability through the four college campuses and the PCCD office.

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.

Thank you and take care.

Rudy Besikof
Laney College

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

Laney College COVID-19 Announcement

Dear Laney Community:

On Saturday and Sunday, the College learned of two separate individuals who were on the Laney campus in different areas that have tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, both individuals will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

Dear Laney Community:

On Saturday and Sunday, the College learned of two separate individuals who were on the Laney campus in different areas that have tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, both individuals will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

The individual who reported testing positive on Saturday had last been on campus on Friday the 20th. As they were in an instructional area in the lower B Building, Facilities and Campus Operations was informed for immediate follow-up cleaning and sanitization.

The individual who reported testing positive on Sunday was last on campus on Wednesday the 18th. When they reported their positive result to a Laney College administrator, they also informed the College that they had not been in close contact with anyone. For this instance, Facilities and Campus Operations followed up with immediate cleaning and sanitization earlier today.

Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, both individuals will remain off-campus for at least five days from today and then may return if they are no longer symptomatic. Also, this individual’s information will be forwarded to the County and as a precaution, employees also working in possibly affected areas of the college are being notified. As there is not any indication of close contact, no areas of the college are being moved to remote work and services.

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:

  • Please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when coming to campus.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).

If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19-related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, your Vice President, or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates should there be further developments.

Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community, including testing availability through the four college campuses and the PCCD office.

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.

Thank you and take care.

Rudy Besikof
Laney College

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aaron harbour aaron harbour

Laney College COVID-19 Update

Dear Laney Community:

On Monday, May 23, the College learned of an individual who was on the Laney campus that has tested positive for COVID-19.

Dear Laney Community:

On Monday, May 23, the College learned of an individual who was on the Laney campus that has tested positive for COVID-19.  This person was last on campus in the Fieldhouse at the May 20 Employee Appreciation event and tested positive three days later, on the same day that they informed the College (5/23).   Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.  

Immediately following the event on Friday and prior to the 5/23 notification, it should be noted that the Fieldhouse second floor gathering room had been cleaned and sanitized. 

The College and the District continue to observe the PCCD masking policy.  However, employees who experience any of the symptoms below should be tested before returning to campus and remain at home until receiving their results.

  • Fever or chills

  • Cough

  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

  • Fatigue

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Headache

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Sore throat

  • Congestion or runny nose

  • Nausea or vomiting

  • Diarrhea

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed. 

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you.  They are as follows:   

  • Please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when coming to campus.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.

  • If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).

  • If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, your Vice President, or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.  

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates should there be further developments.  

Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community, including testing availability through the four college campuses and the PCCD office.  

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues. 

Thank you and take care.

Rudy Besikof
Laney College

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aaron harbour aaron harbour

Laney College COVID-19 Update

Dear Laney Community:

On Saturday and Sunday, the College learned of two separate individuals who were on the Laney campus in different areas that have tested positive for COVID-19

Dear Laney Community:

On Saturday and Sunday, the College learned of two separate individuals who were on the Laney campus in different areas that have tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, both individuals will remain off campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

  • The individual who reported testing positive on Saturday had last been on campus on Friday the 20th. As they were in an instructional area in the lower B Building, Facilities and Campus Operations was informed for immediate follow-up cleaning and sanitization. 

  • The individual who reported testing positive on Sunday was last on campus on Wednesday the 18th. When they reported their positive result to a Laney College administrator, they also informed the College that they had not been in close contact with anyone. For this instance, Facilities and Campus Operations followed up with immediate cleaning and sanitization earlier today.

Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, both individuals will remain off campus for at least five days from today and then may return if they are no longer symptomatic.   Also, this individual’s information will be forwarded to the County and as a precaution, employees also working in possibly affected areas of the college are being notified.  As there is not any indication of close contact, no areas of the college are being moved to remote work and services.   

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed. 

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you.  They are as follows:   

  • Please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when coming to campus.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.

  • If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).

  • If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19 related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, your Vice President, or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.  

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates should there be further developments.     

Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community, including testing availability through the four college campuses and the PCCD office.    

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues. 

Thank you and take care.

Rudy Besikof
Laney College

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

District Office COVID-19 Notification

Dear District Office Colleagues,

I am writing to inform you that we learned today that an individual working in the district office has tested positive for COVID-19. The person reported the positive test today, Friday, May 20, 2022. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-site for five days from the date of the positive test result and then may return if they are no longer symptomatic.

Dear District Office Colleagues,

I am writing to inform you that we learned today that an individual working in the district office has tested positive for COVID-19. The person reported the positive test today, Friday, May 20, 2022. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-site for five days from the date of the positive test result and then may return if they are no longer symptomatic.

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed.

For the most up-to-date COVID information and resources for students, faculty/staff, and the community, I encourage you to visit

Thank you,

Mark Johnson
Executive Director
Department of Marketing, Communication & Public Relations
Peralta Community College District

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

COA COVID-19 Notification

Dear COA Community,

We recently learned that an individual from our Campus community has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The individual was last on campus on May 13, 2022. While we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus because of privacy laws, we are following up as required.

Dear COA Community,

We recently learned that an individual from our Campus community has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The individual was last on campus on May 13, 2022. While we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus because of privacy laws, we are following up as required. The District has been informed of this exposure and will follow the appropriate procedures.

Following our safety protocols, those individuals that may have been exposed have been contacted and advised to self-quarantine, get tested, and follow up with their health care provider.

Again, the health and well-being of our community is our highest priority, and your active practicing of masking, vaccination, and other COVID-19 prevention measures work to mitigate its spread. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider and do not come to campus. As a response to protecting everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as a notification in accordance with state laws.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state, and local Health Department Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They

are as follows:

  • Abide by the guidelines established by the County of Alameda Health Department

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with health concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call). Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community.

If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19-related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, supervising Vice President, or me as soon as possible. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates as appropriate. Thank you for continuing to do your part to keep our community healthy and safe.

Warmest regards,


Nathaniel Jones III, Ph.D., MBA
College of Alameda

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

Laney College COVID-19 Announcement

Dear Laney Community:

Earlier today, we learned that an individual who was on the Laney campus has tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

Dear Laney Community:

Earlier today, we learned that an individual who was on the Laney campus has tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return once they are no longer symptomatic. The person tested positive today, May 12, and reported it to the College today while they were on-site.

As the positive test was reported to a Laney College administrator, Facilities and Campus Operations was informed for immediate follow-up cleaning and sanitization of areas of campus where the individual was.

Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-campus for at least five days from today and then may return if they are no longer symptomatic. Also, this individual’s information will be forwarded to the County and as a precaution, employees also working in possibly affected areas of the college are being notified. As there is not any indication of close contact, no areas
of the college are being moved to remote work and services.

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test
result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:

  • Please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when coming to campus.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.

  • Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your
student ID during the call).

If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19-related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, your Vice President, or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates should there be further developments.

Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community, including testing availability through the four college campuses and the PCCD office.

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.

Thank you and take care.

Rudy Besikof
Laney College

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

COA Covid-19 Notification

Dear COA Community,

We recently learned that an individual from our Campus community has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The individual was last on campus on May 9, 2022.

Dear COA Community,

We recently learned that an individual from our Campus community has tested positive for the novel coronavirus, COVID-19. The individual was last on campus on May 9, 2022. While we cannot identify the individual who tested positive for the virus because of privacy laws, we are following up as required. The District has been informed of this exposure and will follow the appropriate procedures.

Following our safety protocols, those students/employee(s) that may have been exposed have been contacted and advised to self-quarantine, get tested, and follow up with their health
care provider.

Again, the health and well-being of our community is our highest priority, and your active practicing of masking, vaccination, and other COVID-19 prevention measures work to mitigate
its spread. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider and do not come to campus. As a response to protecting everyone’s health and safety, this message serves as a notification in accordance with state laws.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), state, and local Health Department Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They
are as follows:

  • Abide by the guidelines established by the County of Alameda Health Department.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.

  • Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with health concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student
ID during the call). Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community.

If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19-related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, supervising Vice President, or me as soon as possible.
Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates as appropriate.

Thank you for continuing to do your part to keep our community healthy and safe.

Warmest regards,


Nathaniel Jones III, Ph.D., MBA
College of Alameda

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

BCC COVID-19 Notice

Dear Berkeley City College Community,

I am writing to inform you of two BCC community members who reported testing positive for COVID-19. Yesterday evening, Berkeley City College leadership was informed of a student who tested positive for COVID-19 on May 12, 2022.

Dear Berkeley City College Community,

I am writing to inform you of two BCC community members who reported testing positive for COVID-19. Yesterday evening, Berkeley City College leadership was informed of a student who tested positive for COVID-19 on May 12, 2022. Earlier this morning, the Berkeley City College leadership was informed of an employee that tested positive for COVID-19 on May 12, 2022.
To protect everyone’s health and safety in compliance with the law, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individuals who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

The students were last at the College on May 10, 2022. The employee was last on campus on May 7, 2022. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, they will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return if they are no longer symptomatic. Also, their
information will be forwarded to the appropriate channels for county reporting.

Those with exposure via contract tracing guidelines with the individuals are being notified, and the areas in question have since been cleaned and sanitized. A reminder that our custodial colleagues complete a cleaning of all active teaching and learning spaces as part of regular maintenance every night.

The health and well-being of our students and employees is of the utmost importance. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. Per policy and the District email of August 5, 2021, those coming to campus must go through screening and then exercise the precautions when coming to campus.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:

  • Please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when coming to campus.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you
    have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.

  • Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).
If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19-related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, your Vice President, or me. Be assured that we will maintain
confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates should there be further developments.

Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community, including testing availability through the four college campuses and the PCCD office.

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.

In Community,

Dr. Angélica Garcia
(Pronouns: She | Her | Hers| Ella)
Berkeley City College

Read More
Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

BCC COVID-19 Campus Notice

Dear Berkeley City College Community,

I am writing to inform you of a BCC community member who reported testing positive for COVID-19. Earlier today, Berkeley City College leadership was informed of an employee who tested positive for COVID-19 on May 11, 2022.

Dear Berkeley City College Community,

I am writing to inform you of a BCC community member who reported testing positive for COVID-19. Earlier today, Berkeley City College leadership was informed of an employee who tested positive for COVID-19 on May 11, 2022. To protect everyone’s health and safety in compliance with the law, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individuals who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

The employee was last at the College on May 10, 2022. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, they will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return if they are no longer symptomatic. Also, their information will be forwarded to the appropriate
channels for county reporting.

Those with exposure via contract tracing guidelines with the individual are being notified, and the areas in question have since been cleaned and sanitized. A reminder that our custodial colleagues complete a cleaning of all active teaching and learning spaces as part of regular maintenance every night.

The health and well-being of our students and employees is of the utmost importance. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. Per policy and the District email of August 5, 2021, those coming to campus must go through screening and then exercise the precautions when coming to campus.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:

  • Please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when coming to campus.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you
    have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.

  • Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).
If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19-related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, your Vice President, or me. Be assured that we will maintain
confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates should there be further developments.

Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community, including testing availability through the four college campuses and the PCCD office.

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.

In Community,

Dr. Angélica Garcia
(Pronouns: She | Her | Hers| Ella)
Berkeley City College

Read More
Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

BCC COVID-19 Campus Notice

Dear Berkeley City College Community,

I am writing to inform you of a BCC community member who reported testing positive for COVID-19. Earlier today, Berkeley City College leadership was informed of an employee who tested positive for COVID-19 on May 11, 2022.

Dear Berkeley City College Community,

I am writing to inform you of a BCC community member who reported testing positive for COVID-19. Earlier today, Berkeley City College leadership was informed of an employee who tested positive for COVID-19 on May 11, 2022. To protect everyone’s health and safety in compliance with the law, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individuals who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

The employee was last at the College on May 6, 2022. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, they will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return if they are no longer symptomatic. Also, their information will be forwarded to the appropriate
channels for county reporting.

Those with exposure via contract tracing guidelines with the individual are being notified, and the areas in question have since been cleaned and sanitized. A reminder that our custodial colleagues complete a cleaning of all active teaching and learning spaces as part of regular maintenance every night.

The health and well-being of our students and employees is of the utmost importance. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. Per policy and the District email of August 5, 2021, those coming to campus must go through screening and then exercise the precautions when coming to campus.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:

  • Please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when coming to campus.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you
    have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.

  • Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).
If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19-related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, your Vice President, or me. Be assured that we will maintain
confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates should there be further developments.

Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community, including testing availability through the four college campuses and the PCCD office.

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.

In Community,

Dr. Angélica Garcia


Dr. Angélica Garcia
(Pronouns: She | Her | Hers| Ella)
Berkeley City College

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

Laney College COVID-19 Announcement

Dear Laney Community:

I am writing to inform you that we learned on Friday that an individual who was on the Laney campus has tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

Dear Laney Community:


I am writing to inform you that we learned on Friday that an individual who was on the Laney campus has tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return once they are no longer symptomatic. The person tested positive on Friday, May 6, and reported it to the College on Monday the 9th, along with sharing that Wednesday the 4th was the last time they were on-site.  The positive test was reported to a Laney College administrator, who subsequently informed Facilities and Campus Operations for immediate follow-up cleaning and sanitization of this area.

Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual has remained off campus since the date of reporting, and they will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and then may return if they are no longer symptomatic.   Also, this individual’s information will be forwarded to the County and as a precaution, employees also working in this area of the college are being notified, and as an added precaution, employees working in this area of the college are working remotely this week. 

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed. 

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:

  • Please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when coming to campus.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing.

  • If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands. Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.

  • If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).

  • If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19-related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, your Vice President, or me. Be assured that we will maintain confidentiality to the highest degree possible.  

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates should there be further developments.   

Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community, including testing available through the four college campuses and the PCCD office.

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues. 

Thank you and take care.


Rudy Besikof
Laney College

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Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

Merritt College COVID-19 Exposure Notification – May 10, 2022

Good afternoon, Merritt College.

I am writing to inform you that this morning we learned that one of our employees has tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result (May 9, 2022) and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

Good afternoon, Merritt College.

I am writing to inform you that this morning we learned that one of our employees has tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result (May 9, 2022) and may return once they are no longer symptomatic. The person reported that Tuesday, May 3, 2022, was the last time they were on-site, and those who we know were in contact with this individual will be notified.

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed.

For the most up-to-date information and resources for students, faculty/staff, and the community, I encourage you to visit

Thank you and take care.


David M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Merritt College

Read More
Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

Merritt College COVID-19 Exposure Notification – May 10, 2022

Good afternoon, Merritt College. 

I am writing to inform you that this morning we learned that one of our employees has tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result (May 9, 2022) and may return once they are no longer symptomatic.

Good afternoon, Merritt College.


I am writing to inform you that this morning we learned that one of our employees has tested positive for COVID-19. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, this individual will remain off campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result (May 9, 2022) and may return once they are no longer symptomatic. The person reported that Tuesday, May 3, 2022, was the last time they were on-site, and those who we know were in contact with this individual will be notified.

While privacy guidelines preclude me from providing additional descriptive information, please know that the PCCD Office of Human Resources has been apprised of the positive test result so that they can notify the Alameda County Public Health Department and Cal/OSHA. In compliance with our district guidelines, I will continue to report COVID-19 cases as part of our ongoing efforts to keep everyone safe and informed.

For the most up-to-date information and resources for students, faculty/staff, and the community, I encourage you to visit


Thank you and take care.



David M. Johnson, Ph.D.
Merritt College

Read More
Johnathan Freeman Johnathan Freeman

BCC COVID-19 Campus Notice

Dear Berkeley City College Community,

I am writing to inform you of a BCC community member who reported testing positive for COVID-19. Yesterday evening, Berkeley City College leadership was informed of an employee who tested positive for COVID-19 on May 4, 2022.

Dear Berkeley City College Community,

I am writing to inform you of a BCC community member who reported testing positive for COVID-19. Yesterday evening, Berkeley City College leadership was informed of an employee who tested positive for COVID-19 on May 4, 2022. To protect everyone’s health and safety in compliance with the law, this message serves as notification, though we cannot identify the individuals who tested positive for the virus due to privacy laws.

The employee was last at the College on May 2, 2022. Per CDC and ACPHD guidelines, they will remain off-campus for at least five days from the date of the positive test result and may return if they are no longer symptomatic. Also, their information will be forwarded to the appropriate
channels for county reporting.

Those with exposure via contract tracing guidelines with the individual are being notified, and the areas in question have since been cleaned and sanitized. A reminder that our custodial colleagues complete a cleaning of all active teaching and learning spaces as part of regular maintenance every night.

The health and well-being of our students and employees is of the utmost importance. If you develop flu or other symptoms including dry cough and fever, please contact your medical provider. Per policy and the District email of August 5, 2021, those coming to campus must go through screening and then exercise the precautions when coming to campus.

We ask that you abide by Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Guidelines to protect your health and those around you. They are as follows:

  • Please wear a mask that covers your nose and mouth when coming to campus.

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after you
    have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60 percent alcohol.

  • Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they feel dry.

  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.

  • Follow all recommendations provided by the CDC.

If you have medical questions, please contact your health care provider. Students with concerns can contact the Roots Clinic at (510) 533-1248 (please provide your student ID during the call).
If you, or someone in your household, shows COVID-19-related symptoms, please notify Human Resources, your immediate supervisor, your Vice President, or me. Be assured that we will maintain
confidentiality to the highest degree possible.

As everyone’s health and safety are our priority, we will continue to assess the situation and provide updates should there be further developments.

Please visit for the most up-to-date information and resources regarding COVID-19 for students, faculty/staff, and the community, including testing availability through the four college campuses and the PCCD office.

We appreciate everyone continuing to do their best to support our students and colleagues.

In Community,

Dr. Angélica Garcia
(Pronouns: She | Her | Hers| Ella)
Berkeley City College

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